I am letting you know up front that I have conflicting emotions about YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/). I guess this really points out that I am not of the Net Generation and that I have major mother/protector issues. It is actually not the site itself but a small part of the population that uploads inappropriate video-of a personal nature that they should keep private. We all know that these individuals could select the private option for their videos but they don't. Perhaps someone else is making their video public? I don't know. I've done what I can to filter them out. I 've put whatever filter settings I can on my PC and set the ones youtube offers. I wish there were more safety settings available. Better yet, I wish those certain individuals would seek counseling. Since they probably won't...I guess I'll do what my PCer generation does and start looking up possible answers in a book.
Which brings me to this book review. I did not set this blog up to write book reviews. However, in my effort to search for a better way to keep my children from viewing above mentioned material, I ended up reading this book.
The book is pretty good. It is titled, "How to Do Everything with YouTube." The author, Chad Fahs is a digital filmmaker and instructor and has written alot on video/media topics. Most of the things I read in the book, How to set an account, How to navigate the YouTube interface and How to search and embed YouTube videos- I knew already. But what I didn't know or hadn't tried had to do with creating and uploading my own videos.
Nope! Haven't gone there yet. In Chad's book, I found the easy-to-follow guide to do this though. I doubt I will- but at least I know where to go or who to read if I change my mind. Chad has his own YouTube Channel if you want to check him out at http://www.youtube.com/chadfahs. You can also go to his website where he has tutorials and up to date links for YouTube users. For you old PC users like me, you can get the book.