Thursday, July 10, 2008
To turn the pages of the book- click and hold down your cursor on to the top right corner of the right page and drag the page left, click and release in an area just above the book. It takes a few tries to get the movement down. This blog template does not let you see the entire book. Sorry about that.
I was following another bread crumb trail on the Internet yesterday and came across this site, It offers users a different format for presenting their photos. These widgets have short codes that you can copy and paste in your html editor or add via the websites posting application. It is a one, two three step process to upload your pictures. You'll want to edit them and size them for the web before uploading them. The site doesn't have picture editing tools. This widget did let me set the colors for the book, pages and highlights so you can make this widget match your color schemes. I recommend that you resize and set the resolution for the web for each of the pictures for quick upload and presentation. The down side is you can upload only one picture at a time. Still, it is pretty cool web 2.0 tool you can add to your MySpace, Facebook or webpage.
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