I am always trying out new web 2.0 tools and trying to figure out new ways to use them in my work. I also have a big interest in figuring out how our students might use them too, for their assignments, for research, and for organizing their lives. I use alot of them every day to manage the information I come across. I used Google's Creator (webpage maker) to make notes of some of the web 2.0 tools I want to come back to later for research. Here are some notes from a book I read a few months ago on a Creator webpage, (http://theloriwarren.googlepages.com/home). I am also considering a Creator webpage for a collection of videos that have How-to guide instructions for the applications our students use the most. I'm developing a Creator page on Second Life resources too and will be publishing it later.
If you've visited this blog you know I have other blogs that I maintain to keep up with work related questions, student questions and parenting gamers. My Help Desk FAQ blog is shared with student workers that I added as authors to the blog. We link to the blog on our Information Commons' webpage. Students and I use the blog to quickly post current questions we get in the library relating to online courseware, and technology.
Google documents I use everyday for work. I have a spreadsheet that tracks the student numbers and questions we get in our open lab classroom on Mondays. Another spreadsheet tracks FAQ questions by the month and year. Student workers share their reseaerch with me using Google documents too.
The last Google tool I use the most is the Notebook. I have several that I keep on various projects. One notebook is a shared source for Second Life research. Another notebook is a collection of web 2.0 notes and comparisons that other co-workers collaborate with me on from time to time. Google applications/tools are a big part of my work world. If you haven't checked them out go to Google and look them over. They have many more.