Friday, June 20, 2008

PowerPoint Takes a New Twist in Performing Arts

While researching pecha-kucha, I found this article concise and to the point. Just like pecha-kucha. It has been added to the blog through (available only through the mozilla/firefox browser.) Click on the green clip icon below to find out more about clipping text, images and videos from websites to post on your blog, emails and social pages.

Let us now bullet-point our praise for Mark Dytham and Astrid Klein, two Tokyo-based architects who have turned PowerPoint, that fixture of cubicle life, into both art form and competitive sport. Their innovation, dubbed pecha-kucha (Japanese for "chatter"), applies a simple set of rules to presentations: exactly 20 slides displayed for 20 seconds each. That's it. Say what you need to say in six minutes and 40 seconds of exquisitely matched words and images and then sit the hell down. The result, in the hands of masters of the form, combines business meeting and poetry slam to transform corporate cliché into surprisingly compelling beat-the-clock performance art.

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