Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Adobe Kids Club

You may be thinking "Kids Club", she must be joking. Hey, you don't have to be a kid to use these pages. They are designed for all ages and all stages of instruction. These Adobe webpages offer great how-to guides for your digital multi-media projects.

Most companies have how-to guides and lessons for educators and kids. They also give you a new view to instructing others in software applications. Look at these webpages to see how lessons in multi-media applications are being designed and delivered to newbie audiences of all ages. Ask yourself: " What kind of images, text and technology are they using to teach? Are the lessons in video or are they interactive and hands-on? What media did they use?"

Technology is, after all, just a tool to get your message out. What you write and what images you choose to add makes the tools worth using.
clipped from www.adobe.com
Help your students tell their stories — Tips and lessons for digital photography, video, and multimedia presentations

Welcome to the fun, exciting world of digital photography and digital video. Here at the Adobe Digital Kids Club — a special site created for teachers, students, and parents — you'll find the essential digital photography, video, and imaging resources you need to engage students in learning while teaching them important digital communication skills.

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