Monday, September 19, 2011

Using Blogger for Your School/Business Help Desk FAQ

Let's start with an example. Here is my Help Desk FAQ that I created over 4 years ago. Every question that a student ask us at the Library's Help Desk that relates to computers, the campus online content, saving or storing files and much more goes into this blog. Every semester I invite new Help Desk student workers to "author" a few of the posts.

It gives them the opportunity to practice their writing skills and to showcase their technical knowledge.

This blog is linked to from the library's homepage with a blogger icon and it is feed through to the library's Facebook page as well.

For the Facebook feed, I use the "Post Option" in blogger to schedule the posts that feed through Facebook's Apps>RSS Graffiti. Otherwise, the posts that I work on during my scheduled writing time would publish on the Facebook page all at one time.

By scheduling each post, you will avoid Facebook's new algorithm that takes multiple posts over the 2 post limit (that they want) and collapses them into one post.

There are many reasons I like Blogger for FAQ.

1.) You can email and share individual posts to students or friends.
2.) You can set them to be mobile friendly.
3.) They provide statistics.
4.) They play well with Facebook.
5.) I can give Authorship to students and staff.
6.) You can embed or use the RSS feed options with other CMS or social media programs.
7.) You can turn off comments for a more structured blog interaction.