I recently received this link (http://wacblog.washcoll.edu/mpclab/) to the MPC Feed @ Washington College website. What a good site to find information on technology and multi-media. I've enjoyed exploring all the multi-media tips and tutorials it has. I really like the way it is organized. The design is clean and simple to navigate. I recommend it to students with an interest in web 2.0 applications, technology and the Internet.
While looking for the webmaster or designer of this website, I came across two more links, http://www.mangoorange.com/ and http://www.ndesign-studio.com/. At the bottom of the Washington College website it says: "Theme and Icons by N. Design Studios, columned by MangoOrange...." It turns out that the graphic designer behind these sites, Nick La has a top professional portfolio blended into his website. If you are going to be designing for the web, this graphic designer has a great professional site that should inspire you.